Thursday, February 25, 2010

The Handheld Police and Weather Scanner

Are you a NASCAR fan who loves being at the racetrack? Do you enjoy the crush and noise of the crowd and the cars? The announcer can give you updates on the race, but he cannot let you hear the conversation between the driver and his crew. But a Handheld Scanner can.

With the hand held scanner, you will not miss a minute of the excitement. You have an opportunity to monitor communication, hear all the best details of what is going on. You get to hear what the driver really thinks about the guy who just sideswiped him on the straight stretch.

And your scanner will not only allow you to keep up with what is going on at the track, but you can also monitor the weather channel, know whether the storm in the next county is on its way to your home. Find out if there are flooded areas, or any bridges out. Find out if the highways are closing due to snow.

You have access to up to two hundred channels across ten banks and on a 800 MHz frequency. You can program ten different channels to allow you access to monitor the police, the ambulance services and the fire stations. You also have access to amateur radio and public utilities. There are six presets for the most popular cannels. Triple conversion circuitry will ensure that you do not experience interference from other frequencies. And there is a built in delay so that you won't miss a minute of the conversation. The Handheld Police/Weather Scanner has a removable antenna, requires two AA batteries and comes with an AC adapter.

This is a great item. You may find that other members of your family get as much enjoyment for using it as you do. In fact, you may want to pick up more that one to insure that you can always find yours when you want to use it.

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